There is absolutely no reason that I should have been invited to that party, but I sure am glad I was! I've only read about parties like that in magazines. This store was in a part of Shanghai that I had not gone to yet. The building next door was a Louis Vuitton store. Which was an 8 story building that was a LV suitcase. I'll go back and get a pic. Aunt Nancy... you would have been in heaven... CHAMPAGNE was free flowing. :) Paparazzi was everywhere. Fancy dresses were EVERYWHERE (except on me! I went straight from work and was carrying my big fat backpack with my laptop in it... great work, Bec. Real cool.). I don't even know what the majority of the people there last night do... but the most seemed pretty sheik and fancy. Passed hors d' oeuvrse were served all night. I tried as many as I could get my paws on... Amazing chocolate moose in chocolate cups, coffee moose in tiny sugar cones, and a nutty thing were all I tried, but there were many more other items floating around. If you've never gone dancing in a Dolce & Gabbana store, you should!
This is Chinese model and me... we're friends now.
The DJ! All I know is that I requested Tonight's Gonna be a Good Night... and this guy played it the very next song! I like to think that means I'm kind of a big deal...
Unfortunatly my only crowd shots don't fully capture the glam and bling that were at the party, but you get the drift.
From a jazz concert in a beautiful gallery to a Dolce & Gabbana star studded event. How does this even happen?! There is never a dull moment in Shanghai.